Because of the various issues concerning the recent change in exchange rates between the Australian dollar and the yen, airline tickets and teaching fees, up-front costs for the event organisers are considerable. For this reason, only limited refunds are available in the event of a cancellation. Our refunds policy is as follows:

  1. Unfortunately no refund will be possible if you choose to cancel your booking yourself after having paid for it.
  2. In the event that Maruyama Sensei cannot come and teach for any reason, the seminar will be taught by the International Chief Instructor.
  3. In the event that Maruyama Sensei and the International  Chief Instructor  are unavailable and a different date can not be arranged, a 100% refund of your seminar fee will be available on request, please contact the seminar organisers to request this.
  4. We cannot refund any travel or accommodation costs.
  5. Any refunds must be claimed by October 15th, 2020.

Book now for Maruyama’s 2020 Hobart Seminar